.::kulturkrock(ar) - men tillsammans föralltid('v')
vi saknar varandra något så fruktansvärt men all väntan är snart över och när vi väl är i varandras armar igen så kommer vi känna att all väntan har varit värt det: inte lång tid kvar nu och vi kommer att klara det här tillsammans.
detta är vad han skev till mig häromdagen:
my baby ı know it is not easy be long way but it is so hard for me more then everythink if ı die it is not give me pain like life without you it is more then hard all pain without you life (L)(L)

ı crying and ı seee time hurt we are love
ı afraid lose to you to much
ı neeed you like very hard sick neeed blood for life :'(
ı neeed you like a fish need water
ı need you like flower need water
and make sad we dont be still togerther since long time it is give me pain to much and you not with me it is give me pain to much without you everythink give me pain it is very big pain reallly my love make me feeelings fine please help me :'(
we had beeen competer to much time but we didnt be like that together like competer
- tänk om vi hade varit tillsammans de här dagarna då vi cammicar via msn istället för att vara ifrån varandra
you so important for me you alll my life ı wanbt you know this always
ı willl never never life without you
but we have to maried like me not more wait wan years
- min familj säger precis vad de tycket och tänker men jag ska göra vad - jag - vill!
och om det säger han: we not sutupit we can think together what we will do for we are next
,is am ı tallk wrong my baby please telll me
my think make me crazy
ı belive you
but ı dont belive yours family aboıut this
then you tallk yours famişly about we are plan already ????????
after school finis you come here you will not stay there more ??????????
we will maried
jag - i told them that we will get married but they want me wait and they want us to just live together first for a while
wehat for ???
jag - they don't think we know each other that much yet
jag - maybe we are diffrent when we live together
you didnt come my city ?you didnt seee my life
we didnt be together to much ?_
does yours family think like this sutupit samethink ?they don't think we know each other that much yet
it is we are life we are destiny
they make yours m,ind crazy like this sutupit thinks my wife
any people dont make interpretation for other people
ı f ind my life wife women why wait for ??????????*
if yours family say you that like samethink you can say this ı find my life true love why ı waiting more ???????*
ıand ı promise to you my sweet ı will never hurt you ı will be always with you
ı belive you frover aşkım ı want yoıu know this (L)
and ı can give my life for you (L)
we will titta home when you come
we will make everythink fast
we will not accept time make sads to us and hurt
ı want you help me for make we are life plan ı want you dont listen yours famişlky for this
dont let me elone here aşkım l need you for life
yours body enought for burning me
yours a kiss enought close my eyes flying me in the pradise
jag alskar dig (L)